How About Some Fishing?

We offer our Clients both the opportunity to learn/implement new strategies and the ‘pair of hands’ type consulting services where we roll up our sleeves to get the job done. What we’ve learned during the past 20+ years can be summarized as follows:

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. (Approximate cost: $25.00)

Teach a man to fish and he will go out and buy expensive fishing equipment, stupid looking clothes, a sports utility vehicle, travel 1,000 or more miles to the “hottest” fishing spot, and stand waist deep in cold water for hours covered with mosquitoes and flies just so he can outsmart a fish. (Average cost per fish: $1,495.68 mileage may vary – depending upon time available, quantity of fish biting, ability to maintain a calm and quiet demeanor and the level of patience on tap)

Summary: We’re always glad to help you to reel in a big fish – even if it means getting wet.

Contact us today.

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