Grow or Die

There is much to be said about the plethora of business models but rather than bore you with details of things that simply don’t work or concepts that have become outdated in the online world of today, I thought I’d present a viewpoint based on innovation and direction.

Each firm we deal with has two possible outcomes in addition to stagnation – to grow or to die. It all depends on the choices made by executive management and their board. Some have said innovate or die but the truth is that innovation in and of itself is not a viable business strategy that delivers profits and thus an opportunity for growth.

I refer to innovation in the sense that you are trying to do something new without reinventing the wheel. When I use the term direction, I am referring to the executive management’s intention decision to move the company toward a specific goal – in a given direction. A dear colleague has provided me with a few graphics so that I don’t have to type 1000 words to present this concept.

Let’s begin with a definition so that you know where I am coming from…
A business model describes the value an organization offers to various Customers and portrays the capabilities and partners required for creating, marketing and delivering this value in addition to relationship capital with the goal of generalizing profitable and sustainable revenue streams. Whew, that is a mouthful! Here is a more visual representation of that text…
business model.png

So, given that you have your infrastructure in place, a compelling offer with a solid value proposition, a relationship with your Customers either directly or via a partner and a mechanism ready to capture orders and convert them to revenue… you are in business. But is your model optimized for what you want to achieve? Obviously, application infrastructure and IT systems need to support the model on the back end.
Business Model back end.png

But, what about direction? What course was plotted by those in command? There are a few directions to choose from, and at least one will make sense to executives wanting to grow their business – but in what direction might they want to grow? Here is a simple graphic to help understanding the available options.

In each of the four quadrants below there is an opportunity for growth. Each has an unique way to move the company forward so that the business model supports rather than hinders growth. By being innovative in your approach and testing what works on a consistent and frequent basis, you will be able to optimize your model for your market more effectively than 95% of your competitors.

Take a moment and think about the variables that drive your business – for a car it would be the gas pedal. The more pressure you put on the gas pedal, the faster your car is going to travel. You use a speedometer to measure this in your car so how do you measure success in your business? Well, for starters you need to select a variable that drives your business and find a way to measure the performance delta so that you know if putting pressure on this variable delivers a positive outcome or not.

At BoxOnline we have extensive experience in improving online business models and can literally guarantee that your company will increase revenues after you improve your conversion rates.

Most business process consulting firms make promises that they simply can not keep and still manage to invoice their Clients each month for unfulfilled objectives. At BoxOnline, one of our value propositions for helping our Clients increase online revenues is a success driven fee. If you do not succeed – neither do we.

If you need to grow your revenues and agree that an increase in your conversion rate might deliver the results that your board is after, we may be able to provide you with some innovative input that has already delivered results to hundreds of successful online businesses in the past year. What have you got to lose? Contact us right now..

About the Author Dr. B

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