email Policy

The Problem

E-mail typically takes too long to respond to which results in continuous inbox overflow for those who receive a lot of it.

Given that our Time and Attention (two of our most valuable assets) are finite, we strive to find a way of responding to email effectively while managing our projects and building success stories for our Clients.

One Interesting Solution

Treat all email responses as we would SMS text messages and use a fixed number of characters per response – instead of counting characters in our emails, we count sentences. In addition, we do not check email more than 4 times each day.

To increase productivity and deliver the results that our Clients expect from us, we now spend less time checking email and have adopted the policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less.

At BoxOnline, we believe that how you spend your time and attention says a lot about who you are.

About the Author Dr. B