Coaching Services

I have some amazingly good news to share with you (and a small group of others – we’re not advertising this yet so please keep this to yourself for now), but first here’s a little background.

Ever since BoxOnline was launched in 1999 people have been asking us for personal one to one coaching.

I’ve had to say no hundreds of times for several reasons.
First, I did not have a trained staff of coaches.

Sure, I could have hired a professional “coaching company” to take on the task, but frankly most of these programs are pretty sub-par to say the least and I did not want to forward the calls to India.

Heck, their idea of coaching is to get someone on the phone and push play on a tape deck!

That’s not coaching – that’s highway robbery no matter how you slice it.

So, the years passed and we have been unable to service this need.

Some thought I was foolish for “leaving money on the table” and maybe they’re right, but some things are more important than money.

Giving people a high value for their dollar, taking a genuine interest in their success, honest dealing …

Not only are those wise principle to live by – they make great business sense, too.

What a lot of these companies offering coaching don’t get is that they can cut costs by offering shoddy service, but they are losing someone who is a potential lifetime Customer.

I finally found a coaching company that shares this same philosophy.

Not only is what they are teaching completely in line with the core principles we built our business upon (their coaches help you take them to the next level), but they have strict quality control
measures to ensure their coaches are actual *coaches* and not salesmen in disguise or “clock punchers.”

They have an extensive screening process for their staff and if a coach survives that, they are under constant review and provided with excellence training to keep getting better and better at
what they do (coaching you to unleash your hidden potential).

We’re only offering this as a pilot program to a few people now – not everyone will be accepted.

If you’re interested, please fill out our application form and one of our staff members will get back to you right away.

About the Author Dr. B

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